PARSE:Visualizing Data That Makes Us Human
An Event of the 2009 Boston CyberArts Festival
Curated by AXIOM Founding Director, Heidi Kayser, PARSE, includes the work of five artists who use data to present new perspectives on the underlying information that makes us human. Overlooked patterns of data surround us daily. The artists in PARSE sort, separate and amalgamate physical, mental and social information to create intricate visualizations in print, interactive media, animation and sculpture. These pieces track and reflect our brainwaves during REM sleep, our genetic code, our social icons, and even our carnal desires.
Featuring works by: Ben Fry and Eugene Kuo, Fernanda Viegas and Martin Wattenberg, Jason Salavon, Jen Hall
Opening Reception: Friday March 27th, 2009 6-9 pm
Exhibition Dates:March 27th - May 10th, 2009
Exhibition Hours: Wednesday, Thursday, 6-9pm - Saturday, 2-5pm
For more information please call 617.676.5904